11-1-14 When Lily hears Bella
barking she says, “Bella, Poopy Bella.” Once she saw Ryan scooping in the back
Bella has her new name! My dad and Mindy came over today. Lily calls him Poppy
which is very cute. After they left, Violet got the hiccups. I said, “Where’d
you get those hiccups, Violet?” Lily said, “Poppy.”
Violet stopped biting, which is a
relief! Lily says a lot of words with the /u/ sound, like pullow and Bulla. She
says, “Bulla barkin’!” They now do raspberries for the bee sound! It’s so
All of their incisors are coming in! Eight new teeth
all together!
11-3-14 In the morning we can hear the girls singing with each
other while in their cribs waiting for Daddy. Violet loves her new coat and her
new jammies! She loves putting her hands in her pockets! Lily has to have her
hood on when she has her jacket or coat on. She says, “Hood, mama,” and, “Zip.”
They use the Halloween baskets/bags Mary gave them as hats and they can barely
see! They also put their dollies in them and carry them around.
They have grown out of their jammies and are ready for the next
size: 18 months. We have lots of fleece ones from Quincy that are sooo cute!
Violet wore the leopard print one that has a hood, pocket, and little cat ears.
She came up to me with her hands in her pocket and said, meow!
11-4-14 Lily won't hug Ryan when he gets home until he takes off
his jacket. She says, “Daddy, jacky.” If he picks her up she'll hold her arms
stiff so he can't hug her. As soon as the jacket is off, he gets a big hug!
11-5-14 Violet is a great little yogi! She does a beautiful
downward dog. Lily does the splits and pretty much goes all the way to the
ground. Yoga babies!
11-7-14 We've been reading Dr. Seuss' The Eye Book and one page
has a man on it. They always say, “Daddy!” and point to the picture, then to
Ryan. It's funny because it is a picture of an old black man with a white
11-8-14 Lily is so funny in the morning. Ryan gets her up and
changed then she comes to our room to say hi to me. She says, “Lip,” for some
chapstick, and, “Sleepy, me,” so she can pretend she’s sleeping in our bed. She
won’t cuddle with me at all. I can’t even touch her without a, “NO, Mama!” She
has to lay on Ryan’s pillow, too. Then Violet walks in with her hand in her
pocket, hood on, and her thumb in her mouth.
Lily likes putting her blocks in a straight line. Her new favorite
phrase is, “Look, mama!”
The burp cloths that were put away in a basket are now blankets
for their dolls. They’re the perfect size for sleepy Elmo!
Violet is so funny at restaurants. She’s always busy watching
people and smiling at them. She’s a little flirt! We had gelato after dinner at
Settebello tonight. The girls were hilarious! I wish I would have been able to
record it! They have wide, benches at Capo and the girls were busy getting up
and down until they had a taste. Then they were on their tummies with their
mouths open as wide as they could go. They reminded me of baby birds. Violet
would shake a little bit too! It was so funny! Usually Lily is jabbering about
something nonstop, but as soon as she swallowed her mouth was open again as
wide as it would go! She didn’t make a peep!
11-10-14 Lily counts to 2! One, two!!! Tonight Violet told Lily to
sit down! She did. :) It’s usually Lily doing all of the talking and telling
all of us what to do!
11-12-14 I made some yummy roasted zucchini and squash to go with
our pasta tonight. I hid one of each color under their noodles and sauce. We
asked if they can find the yellow one or the green one. They didn’t get it at
first, but then they loved it and wanted more!
11-13-14 Violet has been sitting on the potty!! At first we'd just
pull down her pants, but the last few days she's had her diaper off too! No
action yet, but she loves sitting on the potty and reading her special sound
11-15-14 Violet throws a ball really well! She loves throwing it
back and forth with you. Lily is so silly. She puts her stuffed animals on her
head in the car then says, turtle hat, monkey hat, or doggy hat!
11-19-14 Violet has been our little wrestler the last few days!
She loves piling on top of Lily! They laugh, run to the pillows, and then
either fall down next to each other or on top of each other! Lily loves to get
her bag or basket and then say, “Bye! I shoppin!" They love puzzles,
blocks, balls, books, dollies, and cooking in their kitchen.
11-23-14 Violet is counting to two, too! Sometimes they both count
to three!
11-26-14 Violet says I love you, “Ahloo.” She likes to sit on my
lap at night and help me crochet. She holds the end of the hook while I am
crocheting or she'll hold the hook side and poke the other end in and out of
the blanket. I was raking leaves after I picked them up from Mary's today. They
loved running through the piles. Lily picked up leaves and threw them in the
air. Violet sat down in the middle of the pile looking at individual leaves and
then I looked over and she was laying in the leaves on her tummy! So fun!!!!
11-27-14 Thanksgiving was really fun this year! We went to my dad’s
and Mindy set the table beautifully! The food was all delicious and the girls
ate well and had a great time. Mindy brought construction paper and we made
feather hats for the girls. They were so cute!
11-29-14 Lily proclaimed it an “Elmo Socky Day" today!! Violet woke
early from nap and talked a ton, lied on her tummy playing with the doll house,
chatting away!
We bought a Christmas tree today! We got it from the
family from Montana that sells them at the Nibley Park Golf Course. I love our
tree! It’s beautiful! We chose one that isn’t as full as most trees. I didn’t
think to ask what kind it is though. It smells so good too! We turned on
Christmas music and the girls danced around while we got it all set up and
plugged in the lights. The girls loved it, especially Violet! They helped us
put on the ornaments and were able to put on the candy canes by themselves. When
we were done, we went in to watch “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and Violet
went back to look at the pretty tree again. We have the baby gates up still so
they can’t go right up to it unless we lift them over it, so Violet was
standing at the gate gazing at the pretty lights on the tree. So sweet! We put
on the cartoon version of the Grinch and they loved it! They were so into it!
We remembered putting it on last year and they couldn’t care less. Lily made
the Grinchy face and Violet kept saying, “Uh-oh,” when things were going wrong.
She was very concerned about Max! Violet is just like Cindy Lou-Who with her
blonde hair, blue eyes, and mousy little voice. I said, “Is that Violet?” and
Lily said, “Ya.” Then I asked, “Violet, is that you?” and she said, “Ya,” and
smiled. They watched the whole thing and didn’t want to go to bed! Then they
both wanted to look at the tree some more instead of going to bed! We are
definitely in the Christmas spirit now! Tomorrow we will put up their