Saturday, July 6, 2013

Celebrating the Fourth

The last few days have been busy, busy! On Wednesday, the girls turned 6 months old! I took them to the zoo with my dad, Andrea and Addy, and Demi and Danny. Unfortunately, Ryan and Matt had to work. I haven't been to the zoo in a few years. It's nice to see all the changes they've made to the different animal habitats. The girls were really good! I think they like the different sights, sounds, and smells even though they don't really get what's going on yet. They fell asleep in the stroller after a while. It started to get pretty hot, so we left and went to lunch at Ruth's Diner. The girls were so tired later that afternoon that they napped for almost three hours! That's really long for them.

Thursday was the Fourth of July! In the morning, we went up to Park City to escape the heat. The girls love being outside and in their stroller. I have noticed we get a lot more attention when we're in the double-wide than the Snap-n-Go. In the Gap, three Asian girls stopped us and were totally freaking out over the girls! One asked Ryan if she could take a picture and he said she could stand behind the stroller for a picture. They kept telling me how lucky I am (I totally agree) and how cute they are. We also ran into a mom who was shopping with her twins, who are about 20. She said it gets better and better. The girls said they love being twins and are best friends. I love hearing nice things like that! Once in a while people say, "Oh, I'm sorry," when they see we have twins. Ugh! That really gets to me! Anyway, while in Park City, we had a yummy lunch that we ate outside on a picnic table. I fed Lily outside and Violet in the car (we parked in a nice shady, breezy spot). Later we went to my mom’s house for a barbeque. Yummy food and time with family; just what you need on the fourth! The girls were soooo tired! We put them down for a nap before we went to my mom’s, but they didn’t sleep. When we got home, I fed them and then we gave them a bath. We put on the ocean sounds and they went right to sleep! They even slept right through the super loud fireworks the people in the neighborhood set off! In a few years, we’ll be out doing our own! I hope the time doesn’t go too fast!!!

Ryan had to work a half a day on Friday. In the morning, the girls and I went on a nice long walk on the parkway with Sarah, Rob, and the girls. In the afternoon, we were out and about, running errands, when it was getting time to feed the girls. I suggested we go to Sugar House Park and find a shady spot, and then I could feed the girls one at a time. Luckily, I had our picnic blanket in my car. After I fed Lily, Ryan took her to get some dinner from Chipotle. I fed Violet while they were gone. It had been so hot lately and was kind of hot even there in the shade, but a storm was blowing in and it cooled right down for us! The breeze was perfect! While we ate, the girls were all smiles and talking and laughing! We were all so comfortable with that nice breeze! When we were ready to go, we got everything and everyone back in the car, and as soon as we started to pull out of the parking spot, it started raining! Talk about perfect timing! It was so much fun. We need to do more spontaneous stuff! After that, we stopped by Demi’s and Danny’s house for a minute. My dad was there too. It was a lovely evening all around!

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