Monday, November 18, 2013

Chocolate Balls

I know I haven't posted anything in for-e-ver (working full-time and twin girls keep me pretty busy). If you are reading this you really want to hear about my girls! Sorry. I'll update soon! This one's about chocolate.
I have a major sweet tooth after meals. I feel like I NEED dessert. I found these amazing chocolate balls at Costco that are perfectly delicious. They're dark chocolate with acai and blueberry or pomegranate inside. Doesn't sound too unhealthy, right? Well of course Costco stopped carrying them! They have some that are Kirkland brand now but they're just not the same! The chocolate isn't as creamy and the fruit is bleh. As I'm searching up and down the aisles in case they cruelly moved the good chocolate balls, I find dark chocolate and coconut covered almonds. I tried them today in my lunch. Yesssss! All is well. Sweet tooth satisfied.

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